Official Website for South Central Region - Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas

Welcome to the members of the South-Central Region of National Garden Clubs, Inc. and to those who visit this website. Read and enjoy and consider joining us to “Plant America- Go Green”our National Garden Clubs, Inc. theme and objectives. The South-Central Region theme for 2023-2025 is “Plant America-Pollinate South-Central Region” After all we are in the corridor of North America that many pollinating insects and birds migrate through on their way to Central and South America. Thus the Monarch butterfly is a symbol for South-Central Region because they migrate through our states on their way to Mexico.
The four states that make up our region offer many educational opportunities: Environmental Schools, Gardening Schools, Landscape Design Schools, Flower Show schools and Judges Symposiums. Check our website for dates and locations. Some of these schools can be attended on Zoom or other similar platforms, or they can be attended in person. There are even a few clubs that meet on Zoom that you could join. Our theme “Pollinate South-Central Region” will come to life with the many colorful pollinator pins that you can purchase from our website. Every penny donated will be go to fund scholarships. Find the description of various animal, insect and bird pins, all colorful pollinators. We have already collected enough money for two nice sized scholarships for youth who are the hope for our future. We will also have seed balls that will be state specific for each of our states so we can all plant pollinating plants. Heather White will be the Pollinator Pin & Seedball Chairman. Christine Longthorp will be the Scholarship Chairman who will have the forms for the scholarships.
The project for this administration will be “Pollinator Partnerships”. We will encourage clubs and individuals to form partnerships with individuals, schools, local governments, highway departments, gardens, churches, work and meeting places. There will be a form to complete for cash prizes going to the clubs and individuals who find unique ways to form partnerships to pollinate our region.
We also will continue to embrace the future by planting trees in the National forests through National Garden Clubs, Inc., Penny Pines Plantations. Janet Gustafson SCR Penny Pines Chairman will have the information and it will also be available on the website as well as in the “SCR Communicator”, our publication.
Our SCR Awards Guidelines are available on this website. I encourage every club to participate in our awards programs. It makes for excitement at the local, state, region, and national level! I look forward to our Awards Ceremony at SCR Convention in Little Rock, Arkansas April 22-25, 2024. Linda Love will be the Adult Awards Chairman and Linda Jean Brown, Youth Awards Coordinator. I know they will provide the leadership and publicity needed for the success of the award program. I especially encourage all clubs to include youth contests and activities in your plans!
I look forward to our continued work together during this term, May continue to move forward to “Plant America-Pollinate South-Central Region.”
Sarah McReynolds
SCR Director 2023-2025

Sarah McReynolds

Nancy McGraw
Garden Club Member
Just for Pearls Artist
2023-2025 South Central Region Officers
Director – Sarah McReynolds
esarabeth@aol.com -
Recording Secretary – Nancy Rana
Treasurer – April Pratt
Historian – Shirley Tetreault
Corresponding Secretary – Janice King
Parliamentarian – Suzy Andrego
Immediate Past Director – Rose Knight

Members of Camden GC of AFGC landscape the gymnasium at Fairview Park.

Carol Coughran member of Brookhaven GC of TX is peeking through her extraordinarily tall (over 6’ tall) fennel.

Members of Dahlia GC of Walters, OK and youth at their landscape project at a local school. “ Teaching today’s generation to garden and serve”.

Members of Angel Fire GC of NM are planting a median garden In their community.